Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New Banner and Name

So, what do you guys think of the new banner, yay, or nay? Also changed the name to match the domain name of the blog a bit better. I will still post occasional tidbits of non game related content. What do you think?


  1. lol your banner is totally better than my banner.

  2. Looks good to me. You may want to look into changing the text color however. Black on blue isn't too eye-forgiving.

  3. The banner is awesome, I'd keep it if I were in your shoes. Also, the material in your blog is great, I'm definately following.

  4. Thanks guys. And for BucEmHard, I made it with a graphics program called the GIMP. I've been making stuff similar to this for quite ahwile.

  5. Haha pretty sick banner. Custom banners like ours ftw!

  6. A white outline of the letters would be better, as it would be easier to see the "Zeph.." Other than that is awesome. I thought of Starfox right away, for some reason.

    Also, the GIMP rocks.

  7. @Josh

    Thats actually a good idea. If I make a banner v2 I'll be sure to include that.


    Thanks, your banner is pretty awesome as well my good friend. *brofist*

  8. That is one sexy banner, sir.

  9. The banners pretty good you should make the rest of the blog blend in with it.
